The Little Engine That Could Book
The Queens Boulevard Trolley Book
Making All Stops: New York City Subway Photography, Volume One, 1970-1976 Book
All Aboard! New York: A City Primer
Leila & Massimo Vignelli Book
Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built The Brooklyn Bridge
The City Beneath Us: Building the New York Subway
Images of Rail: Brooklyn Streetcars Book
Images of Rail: Eastern Shore Railroad Book
Images of Rail: Jamaica Station
Images of Rail: Long Island Rail Road Stations Book
Images of Rail: The Long Island Railroad 1925-1975 Book
Images of Rail: Lost Trolleys of Queens and Long Island
Images of Rail: Long Island Rail Road-Port Jefferson Branch
Images of Rail: Metropolitan New York's Third Avenue Railway System Book
Images of Rail: Manhattan's Lost Streetcars Book
Images of Rail: The New York Central System Book
722 Miles: The Building of the Subways and How They Transformed New York
Transit Maps of the World Book
America's First Freedom Rider Book
Lizzie Demands A Seat Book
Mini Wheels: School Bus Board Book
On the Loose in New York City (Find the Animals) Book
New York Subways and Stations: 1970-1990 Book